Medical Evaluations Specialist

Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, Interventional Orthopedics, and Sports Medicine located in West Des Moines, IA
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Medical Evaluations services offered in West Des Moines, IA

If you experience ongoing pain, an injury, or unusual symptoms, see the holistic providers at Regenerative Medicine of Iowa, PC, in West Des Moines, Iowa. Board-certified physical medicine and rehabilitation specialist Michael Jackson, MD, FAAPMR, offers medical evaluations to pinpoint the root cause of musculoskeletal problems and develop an effective treatment plan. Call the office to schedule an evaluation or use the online booking feature today.

Medical Evaluations Q&A

What are medical evaluations?

Medical evaluations include a comprehensive assessment in which Dr. Jackson assesses your overall health and looks for signs of injuries, diseases, or other medical problems. He uses various methods to pinpoint the root cause of bothersome symptoms, treat them properly, and reduce your risk of worrisome complications.

Are medical evaluations right for me?

You’re a candidate for medical evaluations at Regenerative Medicine of Iowa, PC if you have pain, unusual symptoms, or concerns or questions about your health or well-being. You might need a medical evaluation if you struggle with:

  • Ongoing or severe pain
  • Numbness
  • Tingling
  • Weakness
  • Burning discomfort 
  • Bruising
  • Redness
  • Warmth
  • Stiffness
  • Decreased range of motion
  • Weakness
  • Reduced mobility

If you’re unsure if you need a medical evaluation, call the Regenerative Medicine of Iowa, PC, office and compassionate providers happily answer your questions.

What should I expect during medical evaluations?

During medical evaluations, Dr. Jackson weighs you, evaluates your body mass index (BMI), and checks your vital signs (blood pressure, pulse, etc.). He also completes a comprehensive physical exam to look for signs of diseases, illnesses, or injuries.

Dr. Jackson asks you questions about your lifestyle, medications, medical history, and symptoms during the medical review portion of your evaluation. 

He may order a musculoskeletal ultrasound, X-rays, or other imaging procedures, as well as blood tests or other diagnostic testing, as needed.

He also addresses concerns or questions you may have about your health before customizing your treatment plan.

What happens after medical evaluations?

Depending on your diagnosis and personalized needs, Dr. Jackson may recommend one or more of the following treatments for musculoskeletal problems:

  • Home remedies
  • Autologous orthobiologics 
  • Physical therapy
  • Sports medicine
  • Ultrasound-guided injections
  • Extracorporeal shockwave therapy (ESWT)
  • TenJet® 

Home remedies that reduce pain include resting the injured part of your body, using ice or heat packs, trying compression, or wearing a brace, splint, or cast.

Ultrasound-guided injections help reduce swelling and pain associated with a disease or injury. ESWT uses painless acoustic shockwave energy to stimulate your body’s natural ability to heal, and TenJet technology uses high-velocity saline and a needle-like device to eliminate diseased tissues and promote natural healing.

Autologous orthobiologics consist of platelet-rich plasma (PRP) or other cells sourced from your body that stimulate tissue healing and new cell growth without invasive treatments.

To schedule comprehensive medical evaluations at Regenerative Medicine of Iowa, PC, call or book online today.

Arthritis can cause pain, swelling, and joint stiffness. Treatment for Arthritis can decrease pain, improve function, sometimes stop joint damage, and slow joint destruction.

We offer treatment for knee arthritis, erectile dysfunction and shockwave therapy. Call us to book your appointment today.

Dr. Michael Jackson treats patients for shockwave therapy.

Call us to book your appointment today.


We offer sexual health and treatment for erectile dysfunction.

Call us to book your appointment today.
